General Discussion

Forum Thread: Problem with Metasploit and Veil Evasion

Im trying to get a veil evasion pay load to run on a windows 10 machine. Im using a reverse tcp payload. The lhost is set to my public ip address and the lport set to 4444. It bypasses antivirus just fine but when i run metasploit and double click in windows on the payload it wont connect. The lhost for the reverse tcp payload in metasploit i set to my local ip and lport 4444. Please help.

Forum Thread: Whats the Best Way to Hack a Wifi wpa2?

Hi i am trying to hack my home wifi to steal my password, i am new in the world of hacking networks, i have already tried evil twin attacks with fluxion and i found that it does disconnects only pcs not telephones, is there any solution or have i to change method of hacking? (I am trying now reaver and get Detected AP rate limiting) i am open to all kind of solutions, but i want to let you know that i am hacking using ubuntu because i had some problems with distributions like parrot os or kal...

WIFI Hacking : Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 Password Without Dictionary/Bruteforce NEW METHODE : Fluxion

I hadn't ventured into Hackforums since a while, and this time when I went there I saw a thread about a script called Fluxion. It's based on another script called linset (actually it's no much different from linset, think of it as an improvement, with some bug fixes and additional options). I did once think about (and was asked in a comment about) using something like a man in the middle attack/ evil twin attack to get WPA password instead of going the bruteforce/dictionary route, but never l...

Forum Thread: Metasploit - Always Open

Hi Guys Just a quick one - managed to create a metasploit apk for android which worked over WAN using this site but I wondered if there is a way to make the connection always open so the user doesn't have to open the app to begin the meterpreter session?

Forum Thread: How to Use mitm_relay?

How to use this repo? I don't know what it meant by a "relay" and as I was reading the code, all I know is that it did this and do do some interception on the following statements, I really don't understand it, I really need to know

Forum Thread: Winrar can't open archive

I work with archives not often. Some days ago, I stumbled upon an issue. My friend asked me for help. She can't open .rar file, because of The .rar header is corrupt. I am not experienced user, I don't know how to help her, but I must do it.

Forum Thread: android,,,, help help for pin number

Hello Everyone, I Have an Android Target at the Same House Using the Same Network. I Need to Install Spy Software and There Are Many on Google but They Need to Be Install on the Target Device,,, but, the Hard Part Is the Target Phone Has PIN Number and I Don't Know It. I Need Assistance to Done with That at Least to Get the Pin Number Step by Step Because I Don't Have Much Experiences or if Any Can Done with It and I'm Ready for What It Have to Take.

Forum Thread: Can I Start Hostapd-Wpe Over SSL without loosing the connection?

I am running kali linux on a raspberry pi 3 with an wireless adapter. I have no problem running hostapd-wpe local but to be mobile i want to control my RRI over ssl. Connecting a hotspot from my phone to the build in wireless card of the RPI. The problem is that i have to run airmon-ng check kill to kill the processes that interfere with hostapd-wpe which are sadly also essential to keep up my ssl connection. I am using my wireless adapter for hostapd-wpe so can i somehow only kill the proces...