Forum Thread: Hacking Website and Control Server

hello im looking for a tutorial on how to hack a website and get control of its server or how to scan servers wirelessly

6 Responses

There is a search function for a reason.


I've no idea why you always reply like this to every newb...

Its probably because its much quicker to point them at the search function than to run around gathering links for each newbie. You could of just as easily gathered the links and shown GHOST_ how you would prefer New questions answered.

Now for my canned response that everyone can copy thats actually helpful for the asker:

It's because the information is already here. I have no problems with questions being asked; but considering the information is just a quick search away it shows an inherent lack of proactivity.

If they put no effort into finding the information for themselves; why should we do that for them?

With that said, I don't reply like this to every new person.


Hey insert name here

Welcome to nullbyte, we're always happy to help out if your really interested if hacking and digital security is something that interests you.

However one of the essential skills of hacking is being able to find answers yourself, here are some good posts to start with from our

wonderful community members.

If you begin at the beginning I'm sure you'll start to get some

answers to your questions, if you get stuck on any particular concept feel free to ask on that post and someone will point you in the right direction usually.

Thanks and hopefully we see you around here in the future

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