hey i saw this video and wanted to try it yourself. everything was successful except hacking a wifi because I do it on my own router. so I do not have to crack it. he may login with psexec encrypt the hashes. Now my question is how do I get the hashes.
this is the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0ofQsAwF2I&index=32&list=WL
7 Responses
so if you have seen the video you see hy's have cracked hashes whit john the ripper on 1:16
and so he gets the password but my question now is how to get the hashes
I suppose he sniffed the network to get the hash.
If you see a few seconds before (around 1:00) he ran 'responder -i <his ip addr>' so I would suggest to look for that responder python script.
This video is not a tutorial, and shouldn't be treated as one, he just shows what you can do with hacking (and a little bit of social engineering) but cuts out all the waiting, injecting beef and probably lots of other stuff as well.
bart i know but its really intesting so i really want to know how its works
He said something about SMB at 1:06. I've tried http ntml to get the hashes and it seemed to work. https://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/server-capture-auxiliary-modules/
i get a error about auxiliary failed rex bind failed http
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