Forum Thread: IRC Chatroom Updates?

HI everyone, I am a huge fan of this site and the information on it. I was just curious i have seen in one of the articles that there were plans for a nullbyte chatroom on irc. Is that still in the works? If so i was hoping for some details.

11 Responses

I do believe it's still in the works, yes.


They should hurry up, i mean c'mon its not that hard

I'm fairly certain OTW is the one setting it up, and to be fair, he has a lot of other things he's working on at the moment.

Patience is a virtue.


Someone should assist him

I could do it but I don't know if he wants help

You could ask him

yeah if we all support jeremiah payne to get in :)

I guess you can't just set an IRC channel up straight away for virtually thousands of users and visitors. It will eventually come if it can be done, it's a good idea and might help NB to grow too.

That's the thing. I feel like Null Byte has significantly more users than we all realise and maybe OTW is trying to anticipate the amount of users that could potentially use the channel.

Speculation, yes, but food for thought. Besides, we lasted a long time without one, a little longer can't hurt.


Someone could just build one while we wait. I'm sure when OTW stands one up, everyone will move over, but in the meantime... And for an IRC network (even if only one channel) to be successful, you need more than one server anyway. Unless OTW is building 3 or 4 servers to link together, when OTW does stand one up, the servers can be linked.

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