I'm trying to establish a connection with a PC (from a mac) using Metasploit run in Kali. I've taken the route of using a samba exploit but whenever I try to use it, I get "Exploit failed unreachable ". I am new to this and I am on a university network. Here is what it reads:
LPORT is set as 8080, and RHOST is the IP listed in the image above.
Edit: I have tried different ports (4444, 80, 443, 2468), which haven't worked.
I'm sure the device is exploitable, as above it says "exploit completed".
Am I correct in assuming that this is therefore a result of a firewall?
3 Responses
I am not an expert but it could be because the port 8080 is used to connect to internet services, so it is already in use, also maybe it is because of below reason..
thanks for your reply. I am going to try that today
need some help please tryna eploit the host but exploit failed unreacheable Rex: connection refused by host. i tried changing LPORT to 443, 2468, 80, but still no session created
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