General Discussion

Forum Thread: Tor Honeypot:How to Hack True Identity of Tor

At First i am apologizing for give you link.This is not my tutorial and i am no promoting any website. i thought we should know how to Hack True Identity of Tor.I have found a tutorial here,if you are interested you can see this or if someone know better than make a tutorial on it.Or anyone can copy and paste from this link and make a tutorial, i don't want credit, knowledge is free.............

Forum Thread: Downloads...

So if you have used windows without an AV (Anti Virus) program running you all probably know how easy it is to get a virus and have everything from fake advertisements to having your stuff be destroyed... So I want to talk a little about downloads. Honestly the most safest way to download stuff is by using linux witch most linux distros have built in package managers (such as apt-get or pacman) but git is also half safe in my opinion. Just tell me what you guys think!

Forum Thread: My Venture into Hacking

I have been reading here on Null Byte for a while now and I will admit I am as green as a greenhorn can be. I only recently started using Linux and had to find my way around a command line interface using YouTube tutorials and many texts here on NB. I started playing HackNet awhile ago and totally loved it! I know it over simplified by a lot but did get my interests up even more. See this post as my personal introduction to the NB community; dlagel says HI!

Forum Thread: MITM and Redirection Questions

Hi again, sorry if im asking another question, sometimes Google just doesn't answer my questions. I'm connected to a WiFi router. I've used SET to make a credential harvester. is there anyway i could redirect them to the fake site? like if they were to go to, it would redirect them to the fake one I've made.

Forum Thread: How to Hack OSX?

I do known that Mac can be hacked and sometimes is easier than windows, but i haven't seem a useful way to hack OSX so far. Meterpreter and even zeus botnet have no mac versions... So how to hack mac? use RAT or MITM?

Forum Thread: Bootable USB for Hacking Computer

Hello all, Is it possible to boot a computer from an USB, get all the information you need (Files or maybe passwords), store them on the USB, shut the computer down and leave like nothing happend? I think this is possible with Kali Linux but is there also an automated process? and is it also possible to put mallware on the computer?

Forum Thread: How to Remove Web Car - the Money Making Malware - Explanation + Removal

I decided to document my recent encounter with a very interesting virus that I found. Beware, this post lacks the juicy screenshot proof that you may be here to look for. When I realized what this malware was doing I went on a crazy rampage to get it out of my system so the following screenshots are not real but are an accurate depiction of what I've seen this malware do. I will try my best to get the malware again and have real screenshots sooner or later.

Forum Thread: How to Add My Script in XSS Attack?

I was going through XSS tutorials to be more specific the non-persistent one, and almost got a general idea on how the attack function , when i came down to practice it, one part wasn't able to get through my head, it may be a stupid question, but i actually don't know!

Forum Thread: A PSA for all newcomers.

Part of being involved in this culture is having the dedication and motivation to learn things for your self. For the newcomers, you've shown your motivation by seeking this page out, and others like it. But i have a real problem with the amount of post I've seen in the past few months with headlines like, "How to hack my friends computer", "How to hack my girlfriends Facebook", "How to hack this person", and so on.

Forum Thread: How to Hack HTTPS Secured Account?

Hello sir,is there any way to Hack account which is secured by HTTPS?As much as I know http secured account can be hack easily by sniffing or MITM attack. But is there any way to hack https secured account like google or facebook by cookies hijacking or session hijacking?... And please not by using SET (dns spoofing)..... thanks for reading..... And i am apologizing if i disturbed someone by asking terrible questions (may be)...But sir i want to know... Thanks again

Forum Thread: Which OS Is Better Install for Hacking? Windows or Linux?

Newb Question - I am building up a laptop for the specific purpose of practicing some of hacking tools and processes I learn here on Null Byte. Should I install Windows as the primary OS and just use a thumb drive with Backtrack or some other linux distribution when I want access to those tools? Or dual boot Windows and Linux? Or just install Linux/Backtrack on as primary? What would be the best approach here?

Forum Thread: How to Use Nmap ?

I was practicing metasploit when i was asked for the IP address of the RHOST, I've never used nmap before, and i think its time to get some basics on it, especially how to get IP addresses on my network,

Forum Thread: Programming Hardware

Can anyone provide me with references/advice on programming USB's. USB have a micro controller. I want to use C to program it. I am no touching it if any assembly is required. My end goal is to code my own bad usb

Forum Thread: Which Chromebook for Kali Linux?!

Hey guys. I am currently in the market to buy a Chromebook to use a dedicated Kali Linux machine. What I wanted to know is if there is a specific model that any of you suggest or are they all pretty much the same. Do any of you own one personally? Thanks in advance for any insight that you could provide :)