Forum Thread: Metasploit Exploit Network

I am trying to exploit a computer on my school network for computersciences. The payload I created with Veil-Evasion worked with a friend of mine who was on another network. However on the schoolnetwork it didn't work. We believed this might have something to do with a server firewall. My question to you is if the problem will be solved when we connect the host to the LAN?

Will my computer have enough rights when I connect to the LAN?

2 Responses

I suggest you look into the system a little closer... don't rush in without knowing all the facts. Take a step back and do a little bit more recon, unless risk getting caught or frustration. If's don't exist in this art there is only solid facts. I suggest you do a little more research on the firewall if you think that's the issue. Hope that helps. :)

I figured out that using the Lan does give me internetconnection on my hostmachine but my virtual machine that is on my hostmachine doesn't have internetconnection which probably causes the problem. Do you have any idea how this could be because I could't find similar problems?

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