General Discussion

Forum Thread: The New Dark Web

I wanted to share with everyone information about IP2, a free and open source software that allows users and applications to each other anonymously and securely. While i2p has been around since 2003, it was thrown into the spotlight in January of this year after the infamous Silk Road left TOR for I2P. While it' definitely has it's glitches, I love it because it provides you with a CPanel of sorts where you can log into chat, post things online, surf the web, transfer files, ect, ect. I'd def...

Forum Thread: Uploading Pictures on NullByte??

Hi I have a minor issue. I need to upload picture to nullbyte such as my profile picture, and pictures when I am doing articles on here, but I can't browse through my PC, I have to upload from Web, how do I do that? I tried uploading a picture to a site where I could upload a picture like but it still wont let me

Forum Thread: Question with Aircrack Ng with Kali

I am using aircrack-ng on kali and this link is based on backtrack so the wordlist is different. Do I need to download a new wordlist or is there already a wordlist that i can use?

Forum Thread: How to Hack Like a Hacker

Please note this article is for those who have intermediate skills and are looking to expand those with real hacking practice in a structured environment with lesson plans and homework. After completing this course I am confident that you will have the skill to begin the move into full hacker status.

Forum Thread: Several Questions

This is more of a hypothetical question: Is there a way at all to hack a computer with metasploit without any interaction with the victim at all? I mean by not sending a payload, anything embedded with a payload, but by just knowing their IP address? I know that ms0867netapi exploits XP Computer running Service Pack 1 and Windows 2003 computers.

Forum Thread: Evil Twin

Lets say I create an evil twin on my laptop... How do I make everyone that connects to my evil twin to display a single webpage I made... that means that whatever they try to open... this webpage is displayed...

Forum Thread: E-Mail Hacking - Where Do I Start?

Hi there, I've been hitting wall after wall trying to figure out specifically how i'm going to hack an email account. I know i'll have to brute-force or dictionary attack or something like that in order to get the password, but how do I actually start hacking the email account.

Forum Thread: C++ Exploit Building?

I am very interested in building exploits in C++. I understand that I have to implement a sockets library when working with servers . Are there any resources that I can use? I am really looking for make hacking tools, command-line based or GUI based, not really buffer overflows.

Forum Thread: Hashcat 24m??

So when I was using bruteforce with aircrack... I was getting like 3000 keys per second... But when I used hascat to bruteforce... im getting 24 million words per second?? Is it even possible lol??

Forum Thread: Sessions Hijaking with DNS Rebinding?

I'm not sure if this is out of the scope of the users here, as I never seem to get many detailed responses, however I have an idea regarding DNS rebinding. DNS rebinding allows one to bypass the Same Origin Policy and thus execute javascript on a site it doesn't belong to. My thinking was that if somebody could rebind to site like Facebook, and then execute javascript to dump cookies or do any other actions, we could create an automated hijaking script that would only require a click with lit...