Forum Thread: Can Anyone Start a Tutorial on Android Exploitation Framework?

Can anyone start a tutorial on Android exploitation framework?

3 Responses

Yes, It'd be nice.

Hey ya, I'm with you guys, there are some youtube vids floating around. Who is actively looking at learning this. we could all learn together! Also, does anyone know anything about if theres a meterpreter module for stagefright underway already?

I recently came across the Android Exploitation Framework, but I acquired it through the massive Hacking Team dump....I suppose it was their "tweaked" version of it. I am not 100% sure on how to use it either, but would love to know.

I was trying to" exploit" my own phone in order to gain persistent root access because Verizon Wireless makes it IMPOSSIBLE to use YOUR OWN phone in a way that you see they lock it down tighter than a nun's c__t

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