I'm looking for a script to add every possibility numbers of 1-9 to a existing wordlist. I've tried searching some and i do have found some but they are mostly out dated and not working anymore on Kali Linux.
I'm also thinking about making a own script that does like this but i don't enough experience in Python to make any useful working programs :(
-Sinterklaas :D
2 Responses
there's a famous tool for that and more. It's called Word List Manipulator, by TAPE. you can get it here
download and install it by typing: dpkg -i wlm-0.8_all.deb
to start using it, just open a terminal and type: wlm and hit ENTER
it's very easy to use. i love it
IF i'm correct you cant add random orders 1-9 in the wordlist after the word with WLM if i'm correct.
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