Forum Thread: Need Help to Write a RAT(Backdoor) In Java

Hello I have started a project to write a Backdoor in Java with extensive features. I have written the code execution and retrieval. But I need help on some features. I'm currently stuck on how to get the jar name so that I can copy it into another location, then run it from that location. Any suggestions? Whats to come--------->SAM dump,IE hijack, file upload\download, dns poisoning, Screenshot, Webcam capture. I've build this with python and it is fully functional. I want to reduce the size and c++ sockets are a pain to work with, that is why I chose Java.

2 Responses

mendax i got java in school but not really do some serious project.But if you need help or suggestion just write me message i would really like to help you

Yeah I need help on copying and pasting the jar to a different location and adding a reg key to make it persistent. Do you think you could help?. I can do every thing else but this and hijacking IE as a background process.

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