Forum Thread: Normal USB Stick from Bootable US

i have tried to boot kali linux as USB persistent and failed.then i try to format my pen drive,but i couldn't get back it to only shows 2gb (it was 14gb drive) space after there any way get it back to normal?

7 Responses

It still has 14gb. It shows 11.5gb is unallocated. That is the Linux partition. It is formatted in ext3. Simply expand your FAT or NTFS partitions.

I'm going to expand on this an say that if you want to completely format the drive to FAT(32)/NTFS, right click on the "Unallocated" box, select "New Partition" or "New Format," and select FAT(32)/NTFS. Click OK and that should be it. You can do the same with the NTFS partition as well.

Right click and choose "Delete Partition" for both partitions, and then right click on unallocated space and pick Create Partition.

Choose NTFS or FAT, as OTW said, and then Apply changes, and you're done.

Btw, were you using my guide? If that NTFS partition already has a bootable Kali installed, you're just one step from getting your Persistence configured :)

deleted all partitions and made a new partition then tried to format it.but nothing happened.At the left side of window it shows operations are pending .

You just missed one step: Clicking on Apply in the upper left side of the program :)

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@cracker|hacker @dontrememberwhoelsehewilltellussorry

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