I recently read a question on the forum asking how to use ngrok in reversetcp attacks.
its exactly what Im looking for , someone said that you should use reversetcpdns
I want to use this for android/meterpreter/reversetcpdns
but I cant find it while creating the payload with msfvenom , its such a pain in the ass that you cant forward your port (My Router is one son of a bitch !) so I had to use ngrok because its the easiest way
now I successfully did that by listening on port 4444 and using ngrok to do that outside my network( you can also check that out by typing in nc -lvp 4444 and then ./ngrok http 4444
copy the ngrok url and give it to your friend outside of your network)
but when I create a payload and set the LHOST to the ngrok URL and LPORT to 80 (as the default is 4444 and you should change it to 80 because ngrok needs a simple http request to 80 to forward it to your host and specified port ) I cant receive a session on the meterpreter !!
is there anyway to solve this shitty problem ??? whats the good of hacking while you cant hack outside your network ?
and if you suggest other ways of port forwarding like iptables or a special program PLEASE help a brother!
thanks a lot
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