Hello everyone! I am new to this forum, but I have been following this site for a long time. I've been looking at wireless attacks and wpa2-psk cracking specifically. I know that the most common way is brute-forcing, but it takes way too long. WPS locks out after like 5 attempts for most of the routers nowadays, so that is not an option. I did a bit of research and learned how to set up an Evil Twin. I looked at Wifislax OS, Fluxion, and wifiphisher (last two are preinstalled in kali linux). I get everything working except for the last part where clients are supposed to disconnect and reconnect to the twin. Any of the above programs just don't see any clients. And yes, I checked that my adapter is compatible with linux and it is. When I use aircrack-ng or wifite, it does detect clients or stations, but when I try to create an evil twin none of the devices on my network (clients) show up. Anybody has the same problem or knows how to fix it?
I am very excited about starting out on Null-Byte, love it!
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