Forum Thread: Handler Failed to Bind

Hi H@ckeR$,

I was trying to hack an android phone with the help of the tutos on but I hit an error which is "Handler Failed to bind to IP:4444, started reverse tcp handler on" I am unable to hack the phone (which is mine, just for testing). Both the Linux Machine and Phone are on the same wimax network, so I dont think it needs a forwarded port, I have successfully signed the apk, but this error is strucking again and again on my retrials,

Pls Help Guys..............

9 Responses

You might already have a job running on port 4444. To kill all jobs in metasploit, type "jobs -K" (without quotes). Either that or you can try using another port other than port 4444.

I have tried with 443, but same result

Tried with the jobs -K, it stopped all jobs and then again I tried but same thing

Not sure if this will work, but you could try replacing with your computer's local IP address.

I have hacked my android with this same configuration earlier yesterday morning but now only its paining me

Hmm, that's really weird. I'll have to get back to you on this, I'm stumped for now.

I get that sometimes,this command has always worked for me.
root@kali: lsof -i :(port number)

Then if there is anything that is using port 4444,it will show up and then type kill PID number.Now it should work.

The error you are seeing is the handler failing to bind to the IP address you entered in LHOST. The most common reason is because it is simply not the correct IP address and then the handler defaults to (listen on all interfaces). If you have your payload setup correctly (and anything in between) the handler defaulting to isn't a problem and you will still get your shell. Start by checking to be sure you are entering the correct IP address for LHOST. Also a screenshot would be helpful.

Thnx Thnx THnx thnx thnx thnx............I had entered wrong IP, thnx for it. and sorry for the silly inconvenience I caused to you all

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