Forum Thread: How to Redirect a URL to a Specific URL in the Same Network ?

using kali linux, how do i redirect a request of to a specific URL ?
most of the post are redirecting requests to my IP
for example

when someone on my network request i want to to be redirected to http://192.168.1.X/siwn5 ?

Can anyone help me with that ?

10 Responses

You should take a look at DNS spoofing. You can read about it in this article.


yeah, we need to create a fake webpage...etc

the URL that i wanted others to be redirected to is created using metesploit/adobe flash exploit
so whenever i run the exploit the server will start automaticly giving me the URL and wait for a connection to it
but in the mentioned article it starts the webpage we create in the host file

If your using a malicious server set up by metasploit, you'll want to set the URIPATH to just /. Then in the hosts file, point the page to redirect from at yourself, this should redirect victims to to your malicious page.

will you please explain more ?

Using the DNS spoofing tool doesn't require you to create a web page. All it does is redirect queries to an address that you provide, whether it be to an actual web page or to your malicious one.

As for the URIPATH, when using adobe flash player attacks in metasploit, the URIPATH value is usually randomly generated, but you do have to option to set it manually. Setting it to just a / simplifies the hosts file. You have to place the address of the metasploit server in the hosts file to be redirected to.

Hey Shar, if you read the this and this too they contain everything you require.

In the second article just replace the bank of America example with your target website and your attack page with the attack page in the article.

=> Tyr

Or he could simply follow this guide and substitute the Beef hook with an iframe that points to his rogue url.

This way, your victim should be less suspicious that something's going on, as he keeps browsing and sees no redirection.

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