General Discussion

Forum Thread: Windows 10

I've been trying different ways to get a a payload onto my second computer with windows 10. Is it possible to get some of the exploits in metasploit to work on windows 10? Or should I set up a vm with windows XP?

Forum Thread: Problems with MSFVenom on Kali 2.0

I seem to be having problems not with creating the payload but with getting the information from the handler after it connects . I've read different responses on what IP address to use so I've tried them all when creating the payload . I've used my Routers Ip public and private my wlan IP and my computers with port 8080 as well as tried 443 . I seem to be able to get a response on the handler when using my public IP ie 66.yada.yada .yada vs using my wlan 172.yada.yada so I'm assuming the publ...

Forum Thread: Getting Start with VM (Oracle)

hey i am pretty new to kali linux,my first problem is that i dont know how to save a state in VM i know how to save it temporary but i want to save it like if i dont save that state it will be saved so the next time i log in i dos nt have to update everything that i did before,i dont mean that to save the whole state i mean to save like the things i updated or inslaled

Forum Thread: Mitmf Problem

Hello, I have a problem with mitmf. I want to use the jskeylogger and I have seen lots of tutorial how its going. I did it and I dont get no problems. But I get no Posts from the victim. If I open the IE 11, there are no Posts in my terminal. My MitMf version is the newest version.

Forum Thread: Super Spy Advice?

Hypothetically, if a person was living under strict conditions limiting his rights and freedoms, one of which prevents him from owning any computing device capable of accessing the internet- how could he get around this?

Hacking: The Skill for the Future

So many people now associate hacking with cyber criminals. I could drone on and on about how the original meaning of the term "hacker" was someone who made software do something it wasn't intended to do, but I won't. What I will say, though, is that hacking is THE skill of the future and you should be working to master it now. Here's why.

Forum Thread: How to Download Tools from Hacking Teams

I was on a website named and they were talking about how to download 400gb worth of tools from elite hackers that have been hacked. There are tools like converting collection of emails, text message, phone call history and address books, keystroke logging, uncover search history data and take screenshots, record audio from phone calls, activate phone or computer camerass, use phones to collect ambient noise and conversations, activate phone or computer cameras, and...

Forum Thread: Linux Install Crisis

Yes, hello. I am having serious issues I am hoping you can help me with. I initially had a VM installed ontop of Windows running Kali but it was way too slow. I set my Kali up as a dual boot with Windows but then decided to completely remove windows because its annoying and I have limited space on the computer. So running Kali Live, I deleted the Windows partition using gparted and created a new partition for my Kali in it's place. I shut down and restarted my system. This time, rather than c...

Forum Thread: Wireshark Not Working

I have been using wireshark to try to capture packet with passwords but it only seems to capture password packets on my computer and not on any other computer on my network. I have tried multiple computers, different websites, and I have even changed the OS and the browser on them.