Forum Thread: Hello Guys I Am Just a Begineer in Hacking,Vpn,Proxies and Many Others but I Am Confused That Does Website Proxies Hide

plz give me a good suggestion about it.thank you

8 Responses

I am sorry I mean

Hello Guys I Am Just a Begineer in Hacking,Vpn,Proxies and Many Others but I Am Confused That Does Website Proxies Hide our ip while hacking or do we need proxy softwares for hiding our ip address.thank you.

there's no 100% anonymity. if you do serious damage to others' property, the authorities can get you...unless you're good at covering your traces by using high-anonymous proxies. Tor with proxychains is excellent. Besides, you need to change your DNS settings to a dns server that doesn't log your connections.

Thank you hxrrofo for your quick reply but I want to ask that does tor browser or proxychains help me hiding ip address and I am trying to hide ip in my windows 8.1,any help will be benifited.

So.. your goal is anonimity, and still you are using microsoft products. Forget it. You can learn the theory and still use windows, but when you want to deploy those techniques and be really (well... let's say 92%) anonymous, you want to use linux. Proxys on free websites are likely university, libraries, hackers, or honeypots. Either way, they are monitored at best, or aiming to intercept / steal your traffic on worst.

Tor is the same, exit nodes can see and modify your traffic, inject malicious scripts, steal credentials, etc... VPNs might get you into a big botnet and control your traffic as well.

Besides, there are ton of guides on being anonymous, specific for different protocols (like email, irc, http, etc...). You should dig more and then post more specific questions, because really, this subject is just too vast to be cleared in a single post. Also, you should consider how many other informations are leaked in your connection, like HXR pointed out about DNS. But there are more to consider (javascript / java / flash / websockets / STUN / autoupdates running in your system / spywares / antivirus / other devices in your LAN ... ) that can spoil your real identity.

Keep safe.

Tor + proxychains + a dns that doesn't log your traces ===> 99% anonymous :) I'm on kali linux, so no idea how to do that on windows

hey triphat yes you are right that my goal is anonimity. I use kali linux for hacking but my friend had asked me yesterday about proxies and other.and I could not describe him so I wrote this in null byte.thank you for you're help.

Is There Any one who can teach me Hacking World Thaughts and I wanna beginn My Journey In Hacking world.....

Hey farhan shahid even thou i am begineer in hacking I can give you some help.
1st:learn the basic of computing.
2st:hang around null byte because there are many pro white hat hackers who can help you in you're any difficulties.
3nd:learn programming language because it is the most important part of hacking.
4th:join cybrary which is absolutely free and very good site for learning hacking and other.
5rd:Google is you're friend ask it.
6th:read book from:
5th:Play in linux, kali linux
6th:keep learning.thank you.

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