Forum Thread: I'm Confused!!

Hey Guys and Gals! Let Me Begin by Saying That I Am Totally in Love with This Forum! I've Never Beheld Such a Brilliant Cornucopia of People to Date! I Want So Badly to Refer My Friends to This Site but I Don't Want to Share You! I'm Selfish... I Know. Smh. Now That I Have That I Have Aired My Thoughts. Recently, I've Purchased Several Books in an Attempt to Gain More Perspective on Kali Linux. Master OTW Does a Brilliant Job of Teaching. As a Result, I Took His Advice to Research As Many Avenues as Possible to Learn as Much as Possible. Which Leads Me to My Next Question. Which Books Do "YOU" Suggest a Person Should Read to Help Them Develop There Skills as a Pen-Tester? The Books I Presently Have Are the Following...

Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing--
Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux--
Metasploitable the Pen-Tester's Guide--
Penetration Testing A Hands-on Introduction to Hacking--

Would you say that I am starting in the right direction or do you suggest something different? I appreciate any and all feedback.

Please, do tell :)

5 Responses

That sounds good. It would be best for you if you told your friends about Null Byte. I enjoy working on some NB projects with my irl companions because it's easier and more constructive.

There are hundreds of books that are prime to read. Pick up one about a topic you're currently researching and try not to get distracted by the 300 other ones that are just as tempting.

I personally find the web holding a lot of info, at least the info I am seeking

What other knowledge do you have of computers? Pick up a Linux book, networking book, and a programming book. Also, you might be better off starting with an intro IT Security book. After that, I would look into Pen-Testing books.. Just my opinion though.

First you should ask yourself the question "What does a pen-tester need to be knowledgeable about". If you are looking for books you can find some on the internet archive. I found a good 400+ page book on linux there.

Thanks ya'll! I appreciate the feedback. A few people have told me I should begin with learning Linux. I also obtained a copy of "How Linux Works" what every superuser should know. I guess I'll begin with that then. Thank you all again so much.

ps- @jacksea In that case,I will be sure to send them this way :)

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