Hi. I did install Metasploitable on one of my Ubuntu distribution in the past, but each time that i did, i was obligated to install an old version, because the new one did not work. I had a blinking cursor, and all.
If someone know a way to install the latest version of Metasploit without any bug, this would help me.
4 Responses
Just to see, have you already tried this:
http://samiux.blogspot.it/2013/05/howto-metasploit-on-ubuntu-desktop-1204.html? Download the one in the article and then update.
First try in a live installation, if you can.
Metasploitable is not metasploit, you meant metasploit is that?
It's exactly the link that i am trying now. It's installing and i will update the situation. Metasploitable is a virtual machine, yeah, now i know.
Ok, solved. The link above work well.
Nice ;)
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