I've never had problems with my apache webserver before. I was just using it two weeks ago. This time when I ran 'apache2 start', rather than just starting like normal, it displayed menu options.
Hmm, that's odd, never had that happen. Ok no big deal, there was prolly an update. I can read instructions. I enter 'apache2 -k start' and receive the following string of errors:
Rut roh. Any suggestions? I have no clue what could have caused this to happen. I haven't touched anything, and in fact I have another computer & I get the same msg when trying to run apache on that one too
2 Responses
service apache2 start
If that doesn't work, then Google "Invalid Mutex directory in argument file".
I figured it out, thx for your suggestion though :). Turned out all I needed to do was run 'apache2ctl start'. Never had to do that before but oh well. Whatever's clever!
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