Forum Thread: BackBox for Hacking?

Hey guys its august. I have recently been experiencing problems with kali 2.0 and I find 1.1.0 better. But I can not get a copy. What other Pentesting Distros do you recommend? I am going to try BackBox. Tell me what you think.

5 Responses

Try Parrot OS
Recommend to me from a Pro, Phoenix.

As Bara pointed out, Parrot OS is a great distort.
But as OTW once said, let's not go crazy searching for distros because kali 2.0 is very changed.

Try some other operating systems and play around with the stuff on virtual machines.

Why can't you get Kali Linux 1.1?

Even if kali gets fixed, I can easily see that parrot os is better, prettier, easier, and everything can be done on kali, can be done on parrot too, so why not parrot ?!

I have something for you here.
It's a review page by concise courses for many security distros.

-The Joker

Lulz... Right after you pay him and click through his $h1tc45h.

I would just grab a copy of 1.1 so you can use Metasploit again.. Or just jump to Santoku, Arch, or BA.. Santoku is rather dope and not spoken about too much, for mobile forensics and pentesting. Or there is Weakerth4n if you are a WiFi crack-whore.. See what these guys are failing to tell you is there is a flavor distro for every use. There is Whonix for testing and Reverse Engineering, there is Matriux for a different approach to gen. purpose hacking(over 300 tools and hardly known), Qubes OS for totally secure computing, CAINE for forensics, The OG of the game, KNOPPIX or Pentoo if you want a Kali replacement.. BUT as long as you have repos, you can apt-get most any packaged and make your own distro, which is what Intermediates and above do...

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