Forum Thread: Laptop for Kali Linux/Pentesting?

Are there any laptops under or around $250 that have wifi adapters that support monitor mode? Im asking because I want a laptop that supports something like Kali Linux or Backbox, And do you know any that support upgrades to ram or cpu for same price range? Thanks for your help!


3 Responses

With that budget, you can pick up a older IBM Thinkpad and throw some RAM and SSD drive in there with a Alfa antenna on the side and it'll work great.

There are two options for you. First is IBM ThinkPad R51 and second is ASUS X551. But, ASUS is expensive and it's price is $305. If you can't aford ASUS then IBM is good option to buy. It provides faster performance. It is business laptop. It is best for Linux users.

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