Forum Thread: Help! Im Only Seeing Meterpreters CORE COMMANDS Why?

im new to this forum and i have some experience in pentesting but im not a pro (i wish) This is my problem:

I have setup an testlab and i manage to get a meterpreter session over WAN on an old android using the stagefright exploit. I wanne hack my mobile true a open url (LINK) from apache2 so im using this link to click on and to open the meterpreter session.

after this i type : sessions -i 1 to connect to session 1 But now the weird part (for me then) It only shows me the CORE COMMANDS and i have no idea what to do now or how to upgrade this meterpreter session to fully gain acces to the mobile device. Does anyone have some tips for me?

And i have also another question : Is it possible to make an php scipt and place that php file together with my index file in de apache root that i can use to hack my mobile with only 1 click? With a full meterpreter session?

Ty in advance

2 Responses

same poroblem. Did someone find a solution to this ?

Mi sono iscritto a null-byte soltanto per rispondere a questo banale/odioso problema che ha infastidito anche me.
subito dopo l'avvio della sessione Meterpreter (Only Core Comamnds ) eseguite:

load stdapi

e come per magia verranno caricati tutti i soliti comandi meterpreter :)

meterpreter > load stdapi
Loading extension stdapi...meterpreter > "

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