General Discussion

Forum Thread: How to Hack a Website. Part 1

Part 1: Staying Anonymous 1.) Install Whonix - "Whonix is a Debian GNU/Linux based security-focused Linux distribution. It aims to provide privacy, security and anonymity on the internet. The operating system consists of two virtual machines, a "Workstation" and a Tor "Gateway", running Debian GNU/Linux." Basically: Whonix will send all your requests through Tor.

Forum Thread: Question About Kali

Hi everyone. I have a question. I am trying to bruteforce a wordpress site I've been tasked with checking. I know the username is admin. Using hydra, I entered the commands, but when I execute, the string gets broken and runs as commands

Forum Thread: How to Become Anonymous

Being "Anonymous" is very difficult online. By this, I mean, humans themselves are quite "stupid". Not in the way of they don't know anything, but in the way that we are very trusting. We see someone nice and we open ourselves up and tell them all about ourselves. We tell them our location, name, etc. If not, we trust them and they send us a malicious link, an IP logger or more. Not just this, but a simple image could grab your IP.

Forum Thread: A.I

Hey Guys, I want to hear some ideas and concepts/research approaches about artificial intelligence from you. Like how to build a real A.I.

Forum Thread: Configuration File

This is prolly a stupid question, so bare with me, I'm new. Say you stumble upon a website's configuration file and hit the jackpot. You get all the info the website is configured. Ex:

Forum Thread: Windows Start Menu Not Loading

Now I know that his isn't exactly the place to talk about random Windows things but the reason I think that my start menu isn't working is because when I was in Kali linux ( dual booted) I mounted my Windows hard drive. It said it couldn't be mounted and to enter a command to make it able to be mounted. I entered the command and it could mount. I don't know for sure if this is what caused it but I thought I would ask the Null Byte community for advice on this problem.

Forum Thread: Arch Linux

Hello guys.So i tried to instal arch linux... When i pacman -Syy all the file have error failed retrieving file multilib.db and at the end i havethe errors: failed to update multilib(download library error)

Forum Thread: How to Set Up WSUS Between Windows 10 Pro PCs

Microsoft has added a feature to Windows 10 pro insider preview that we can update our computers faster by getting updates from more than one place and choosing "PCs on my local network, and PCs on the Internet" option in Windows updates advanced settings. but this is vague. i don't know how this works! I have multiple PCs that have Windows 10 10130 pro Insider installed on them and updates are coming regularly in big sizes so I want to use this feature to update only one computer and let oth...

Being Anonymous: How to Delete Almost Everything from the Internet

What is the best way to delete,if not all, almost everything about me from the internet? I know it is impossible to delete all. But I was wondering if there is fastest way to search for all the sites that I've registered, especially the non important sites(ex. social networking sites), so I can delete my account. Also, I may know some sites I've joined but I forgot the others.

Forum Thread: NMAP Scandal

Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone. The newest release of nmap was released last month; be sure to update your software. Most importantly, DO NOT download NMap from any other place besides Fyodor's