Forum Thread: What Tools Do You Need in the Null-Byte Suite?

I'm a python programmer who searches for projects to code, because I'm bored of coding little games or other stuff. When I saw the Null-Byte Suite I thought of supporting this great project with some Tools, but I didn't know what I should create. I think other hobby programmers are like me and just wait for a Tool to work on, so I ask you what you need for this Suite. Just write a comment with your idea and I believe someone will think about the feasibility of it.


4 Responses

A tool deauthing multiple or all stations of an AP with a whitelist integrated.

Vulnerability scanners are always useful!


I love the idea of this project, and am going to try and contribute.

You heard of websites that pay you money for simple feedback or other trivial tasks? Make a script that automates that for you.

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